The most unique crosshair options in VALORANT


Selecting the optimal crosshair in VALORANT can either be a quick and easy decision or an ongoing struggle for individuals. Although the majority of experts tend to opt for slight modifications of three fundamental crosshair styles, there are numerous unconventional and unexpected choices that can be encountered during gameplay.

If you desire to impress your duo partner or teammates in an unexpected game lobby, using one of these crosshairs will undoubtedly catch their attention. As VALORANT introduces novel crosshair options, it’s feasible to duplicate another player’s custom crosshair code or select one from our suggested collection to personalize your gameplay.

7 Interesting and Distinctive Crosshair Designs to Experiment with in VALORANT.

Chomping duck/nom-nom crosshair

A crosshair, known as the duck or chick crosshair, has two eyes and a mouth that opens and closes as your shooting accuracy changes. The mouth can be customized to appear yellow, making it look like a baby bird.

However, this crosshair may not be the best option for serious players as it can be distracting due to its movement when aiming. It only moves vertically and not horizontally, though.

To use this crosshair correctly, it’s crucial to enable firing error for the inner lines, which may not be activated in other crosshairs you’ve previously used. Failure to do so will result in the mouth not opening.

Nom-nom crosshair settings


  • Color: White or yellow
  • Outlines: ON
  • Outline Opacity: 1
  • Outline Thickness: 1
  • Center Dot: OFF

Inner lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: ON
  • Inner Line Opacity: 0.5 to 1
  • Inner Line Length: 0 and 2 (enable Independent Tuning)
  • Inner Line Thickness: 10
  • Inner Line Offset: 0
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: ON
  • Firing Error Multiplier: 0.168

Outer lines:

  • Show Outer Lines: ON
  • Outer Line Opacity: 1
  • Outer Line Length: 10 and 0 (enable Independent Tuning)
  • Outer Line Thickness: 8
  • Outer Line Offset: 17
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Among Us crosshair

The Among Us crosshair is a fun nod to the popular deep space game that may trigger nostalgic or frustrating memories. If you enjoy trolling your opponents or if Among Us is one of your favorite games alongside VALORANT, then this crosshair could be an excellent option for you.

This crosshair allows you to personalize the color of the visor on your character’s space suit.

Among Us crosshair settings


  • Color: Your choice!
  • Outlines: ON
  • Outline Opacity: 1
  • Outline Thickness: 3
  • Center Dot: OFF
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: OFF

Inner lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: ON
  • Inner Line Opacity: 1
  • Inner Line Length: 1 and 0 (enable Independent Tuning)
  • Inner Line Thickness: 10
  • Inner Line Offset: 4
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Outer lines:

  • Show Outer Lines: ON
  • Outer Line Opacity: 1
  • Outer Line Length: 2
  • Outer Line Thickness: 9
  • Outer Line Offset: 0
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

“Spray the Love” heart crosshair

This particular crosshair is perfect for gamers who use Odin, Ares, and Frenzy. If you shoot your automatic weapon while holding down the trigger, you will see a heart in the center. This is a charming option compared to the other heart crosshair that has become popular in many VALORANT servers. You can now use this heart crosshair to express your affection in-game.

Heart crosshair settings


  • Color: Pink or red
  • Outlines: ON
  • Outline Opacity: 0.1
  • Outline Thickness: 1
  • Center Dot: OFF
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: ON

Inner lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: ON
  • Inner Line Opacity: 0.7
  • Inner Line Length: 3
  • Inner Line Thickness: 5
  • Inner Line Offset: 1
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Outer lines:

  • Show Outer Lines: ON
  • Outer Line Opacity: 0.7
  • Outer Line Length: 5
  • Outer Line Thickness: 1
  • Outer Line Offset: 0
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Hashtag crosshair

The crosshair with a hashtag shape is considered one of the most functional options among the listed ones. The intersecting lines create a distinct area where the opponent’s head should fit perfectly, making it easy to aim. Although it may require some time to get used to, if you prefer a distinctive and effective crosshair with practice, this one might be the right choice for you.

The construction of this crosshair involves using only the outer lines, making it uncomplicated to comprehend and adjust according to your preferences.

Code: 0;P;h;0;f;0;0b;0;1t;9;1l;1;1o;1;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0 


  • Color: White
  • Center Dot: OFF
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: OFF

Inner lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: OFF

Outer lines:

  • Show Outer Lines: ON
  • Outer Line Opacity: 1
  • Outer Line Length: 1
  • Outer Line Width: 9 (you can adjust this value to your preference)
  • Outer Line Offset: 1
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

VALORANT smiley-face crosshair

Let’s face it, no serious gamer has ever used the smiley face crosshair with the intention of achieving a 40% headshot accuracy or winning the match MVP award, except when they are playing under a different identity. The smiley face crosshair adds a touch of fun to your screen, replacing the dull lines with an imperfect but amusing face.

Using this crosshair will make you chuckle, and your teammates will join in the amusement when you carry them to victory. If you feel like you’re in a slump in your ranked matches, lacking the motivation to play, or just need a mood boost, switching to the smiley face crosshair for a few games might do the trick. But remember to switch back to your regular crosshair before you play that crucial game that could propel you to Diamond.

To get the smiley face crosshair your settings need to be exactly as given below-


  • Color: Yellow works the best!
  • Outlines: ON
  • Outline Opacity: 1
  • Outline Thickness: 2
  • Center Dot: ON
  • Center Dot Opacity : 0
  • Center Dot Thickness: 3
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: OFF

Inner Lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: ON
  • Inner Line Opacity: 1
  • Inner Line Length: 2
  • Inner Line Thickness: 10
  • Inner Line Offset: 2
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Outer Lines: 

  • Show Outer Lines: OFF

VALORANT flower crosshair

Compared to the smiley-face crosshair, the flower crosshair is a more functional option, even though it may not be the most practical one. The components of this crosshair are similar to those used by experienced players and in professional gameplay, but they are exaggerated to create a playful flower shape.

Although this crosshair can be used effectively in ranked matches, it may feel somewhat cumbersome and distracting. Typically, smaller crosshairs are better for accurate aiming, but if you find the adorable blooming flower too charming to resist, practice your aiming skills and give it a shot!

Code: 0;P;c;4;o;1;d;1;z;3;f;0;0t;1;0l;3;0a;1;0f;0;1t;9;1l;1;1o;2;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0


  • Crosshair Color: Yellow (you can choose other colors, but yellow looks the most realistic)
  • Outlines: ON
  • Outline Opacity: 1
  • Outline Thickness: 1
  • Center Dot: ON
  • Center Dot Opacity: 1
  • Center Dot Thickness: 3
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: OFF

Inner Lines:

  • Show Inner Lines: ON
  • Inner Line Opacity: 1
  • Inner Line Length: 3
  • Inner Line Thickness: 1
  • Inner Line Offset: 3
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

Outer Lines:

  • Show Outer Lines: ON
  • Outer Line Opacity: 0
  • Outer Line Length: 1
  • Outer Line Thickness: 9
  • Outer Line Offset: 2
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

VALORANT X crosshair

Most high-ranked and professional VALORANT players use a crosshair that consists of two intersecting lines, as the name “crosshair” implies. However, what if you rotated the traditional crosshair? This crosshair transforms the standard cross shape into an “X” shape. If you color it red, it looks like the “close window” button in Google Chrome or Safari.

If you’re interested in trying out a crosshair that offers a new perspective, consider using the X crosshair. As with any standard crosshair, you can customize it to suit your preferences, but these settings provide the basics.


  • Outlines: OFF
  • Center Dot: ON
  • Center Dot Opacity: 1 (or your choice)
  • Center Dot Thickness: 2
  • Override Firing Error Offset with Crosshair Offset: OFF

Inner lines:

  • Inner Line Opacity: 1 (or the same value as center dot opacity)
  • Inner Line Length: 1 (or your choice)
  • Inner Line Thickness: 6
  • Inner Line Offset: 1
  • Movement Error: OFF
  • Firing Error: OFF

No crosshair

For those who want to push themselves to the limit, removing the crosshair entirely may be appealing. You can disable your crosshair by selecting the Disable Crosshair option on the crosshair settings page. Cheating by using a monitor overlay, built-in PC crosshair, or even a dot taped to the screen is not allowed!

Some players argue that removing the crosshair forces you to focus on what’s happening around you instead of just the center of the screen, which can improve your game awareness. However, this approach may result in fewer headshots, which is crucial in VALORANT compared to other games like Overwatch 2, where some characters can still be effective without exceptional aiming skills.

Although playing without a crosshair may be a fun challenge, it is not recommended for extended periods. In most situations, using a crosshair is the best choice. But if you want to test your skills, try the no-crosshair challenge and see how well you perform!

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